On the spatial positioning and compartmental polarization of human chromosomes
Ryan Cheng
University of Kentucky, USA
Landscapes of genomic architecture across evolution
Michele Di Pierro
Northeastern University, Boston, USA
Emergence of chromatin fountains, a novel feature of 3D genome organisation
Aleksandra Galitsyna
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
INO80 Chromatin Regulators in avoiding Transcription-Induced Replication Stress
Anastas Gospodinov
IMB, Sofia, Bulgaria
Learning from bacterial genomes placed in a eukaryotic nucleus
Romain Koszul
Institute Pasteur, Paris, France
Imaging of transcription dynamics and genome organization
Tineke Lenstra
NKI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A new role for SMC protein complexes in the maintenance of replication fork stability
Philippe Pasero
IGH, Montpellier, France
DNA replication timing and oncogenic chromosomal translocations
Mihaela Peycheva
Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria
Spatial regulation of yeast telomere clustering by aggregation and wetting
Vittore Scolari
Institut Curie, France
Multiscale modeling of chromosomal DNA and the physical processes underlying epigenetic regulation
Andrew Spakowitz
Stanford University, USA
Theory of loop extrusion by condensin by the scrunching mechanism
Dave Thirumalai
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
How does the bacterial chromosome organize?
Miloš Tišma
University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Transcription (Nuclear transcriptional bodies)
Nadine L. Vastenhouw
University de Lausanne, Switzerland